Monday, 7 May 2012

I'm Back, Baby! 

 So it's been a solid five months since our last adventure together. I won't apologise- we can argue about who forgot to write whose blog until the cows come home. And really, where does that saying come from? Why were cows straying so far from home? It saddens me that the human race used to live in a world where they had to await the arrival of their bovine companions.

So what's this blog going to be about? I have no idea. I got extremely drunk on the weekend (celebrated by my very first alcohol-related vomit on Punt Road. I still say it was warranted, given the state of traffic on that God-awful road). And, true to my style which is mine, the days following my alcohol fueled adventure, I have become very reflective and deep. This is a good place, writing-wise, to be. But a terrible place to be everywhere else. Don't worry, I'm not going to go all emo on you. I'm happy. I'm content. Just reflective and deep.

I've also been listening to Queen- it amazes me how fantastic they are, and saddens me that people like the music of today. Yes, I'm over 30 now, I have the RIGHT- NO, THE PRIVILEGE- to say that. There isn't a Queen song I don't like, but one in particular sticks with me: "Friends Will Be Friends". I love that song, not just for the music and vocals, but for the lyrics. It's up there with Mufasa's death in terms of spine chilling raw emotion. Get onto it if you haven't already.

Without going into too much detail (I'm actually not allowed to), in the last couple of weeks I've been given a life-changing choice: basically it comes down to taking the money, or the job. Money is great. I love money. And it's a solid amount, probably more than I'll ever see in one lump some again. But the job could potentially be good, life-changing good. Maybe not life-changing now, but some day down the track. I'm bothered by this decision a great deal. It's one of those adult type decisions I don't feel I'm qualified to make, but obviously I need an answer. I'll keep you posted on details and such as I'm allowed to. Ask me (in private) for more details!

I like Spiderman Memes. Go do a Google Image Search for 'Spiderman Meme'. This has kept me (and my uni pals) entertained all semester. You will also be entertained too! I've included one at the bottom of the blog free of charge!

Still looking for a girlfriend- submit your applications directly to me. Thought I'd just slip that in (that's what he said!).

Next order of business? Conclusion? I don't know. How are you? Sorry, I should've asked you earlier, but this is MY FUCKING BLOG. Again, sorry, I didn't mean to swear. Have a seat and a nice cuppa. Let's talk like we used to. In fact, that can be the moral of today's blog: LET'S TALK. Seriously, call me, and we can just talk. No one talks anymore. Well, maybe they do, but listening skills have really dropped off in recent times. Talking is a two-way process: sometimes the best thing you can do is just sit there, listen, and nod your head. That's the best kind of talking you can do.

Until next time, happy stuff and things!


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